Sunday, January 25, 2009

Im sorry i messed up on Duos name, its actually Gage.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Sorry i cant write a post today, but i will post something short.

My next story is about a pirate (13 or 14 years old) who gets lost, has lots of cation, and likes adventures.

Hears a sample part of my story.

Duo (the main pirate character) was running probably the fastest heed ever ran in his life to get to his ship and crew. but by the time he got to the shore, he was two late, stranded on an island with nothing but him and his sword. After two hours of waiting, Duo finally disited they weren't coming back. finally the natives cought up with him. he was in so much trouble.

So if you're interested in pirates, this is the story for you.

Monday, January 19, 2009

ill just get to the end of my story, I've got a new one thought up.

Yak and his friends got to the planet. their was a sound, loud and after it was another one. Yak saw an oddly shaped building. He and his friends got inside for cover. their was a guy wearing a funny outfit that said Sargent on it. he said " Wat are you doing here? and more importantly, wares my donut! by the way, these robots don't look like earth inventions, ware are you from anyway?"

Yak was scared stiff. The sargent turned away to talk to a guy who said "the enemy is setting up anti aircraft guns."

Sarge said "we cant take you home Kid, our transports are usless, or at least our aircraft."

Yak didn't know what to do. sarge gave him some type of invention hede never seen befor.
The sargent kiked Yak out with all his buddies. Outside theire were some people who were shooting at him. then, one of his robots took out some guns and for defense, fired his matene guns.

Then the other troops came out and started fighting. at the end of the war, Yak was given the newberry intelegense award. Yak whent home and Earth never saw him agean.


one day, Yak found out he could smelt his award. he had only enough to male one robot with it, but a useful one. it made ether a hot dog, salad, or orange juce.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sorry, i cant write a post today, to much homework! Maybe later.