Friday, December 12, 2008

The Robot Making Gunner: part 1

In the fourth planet ever created (planet Uge), there lived an inventor, his name was Yakio ( Ya-kee-o). He didn't like his name, so people just called him Yak. Yak lived by himself with a few robot friends. Yak was never bored and was always thinking of something. He enjoyed building explosives and lots and lots of robots. Once, he saw a blinking star. He wanted to check it out, so he whipped up an invention that could take him and his robots to see that blinking star.

Yak and his robot crew, soared through space until they saw a meteor coming right at them! The meteor went past them. They were safe. Whoops, I said it to soon! The meteor curved back and went past them again. Then it started orbiting them. One of the robots that likes to dig flew up and landed on the meteor and started harvesting minerals. After the small miner was done harvesting, it put it into its storage tank and went back on the flying space craft. Once again, they were coming closer and closer to the blinking star. Their voyage was almost over. But when Yak realized he discovered a planet, he thought it was the end of the beginning.

Yak and his crew of robots landed on the planet and Yak's two gunmen robots went off the hover craft first, then the miner, then Yak, then his five probes and last of all, Yaks two equipment carriers. Yak thought he'd call this planet Opal, for its Opaly colored atmosphere. It was a very, very, small planet. It only took the curious explorers two days to go around the planet by foot. They took off for space and saw another blinking star, they knew it was a planet and couldn't wait for more Adventure.

The end......of the beginning.

1 comment:

  1. Wow lil' bro. you're a pretty dang good writer! I really can't wait till part:2! Please post soon and I'll see you soon! Oh! I can't wait to see what will happen to Yak and his friends!
    He likes you.
